sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Election day

I will go to vote in the next elections. I think, that it is an important situation, because there it will decide the public politics of the next government. ¿We will continue advancing into a free education an into a system that brings people social rights or we will a rupture and will be sent back into the market principles? These answers can be solved in that day. Although, I think that we must be critics, with the electoral system, in the campaigns there always appear a lot candidates that only one a place in the public space, no because the really want a social change, but only because that report them private benefits. Someone who wants to represent people, don’t have to be cute or blonde or white, the first requirement is to be responsible and compromise in representing people, in putting their interests at first. I think that all of us are already involve in politics, because we are part of a kind of society so we can make changes and if they don’t make, we are also responsible for keeping things like there are.

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